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Understanding the Impact of Change: It’s Bigger Than You Think

Kelly McKenzie

By Kelly McKenzie

So, you’ve decided to implement a big change in your organisation, maybe a new system, process, or structure. You’ve got your plan, timelines, and objectives all laid out. But here’s the thing: change is never just about the logistics. It’s about people. And if you don’t fully grasp the impact your change will have, well… you’re in for a rough ride.

Understanding the impact of change is like understanding the ripple effect from a single stone tossed into a pond. What starts small can spread wider and deeper than you’d ever expect. So before you toss that stone, let’s talk about what happens next, and how to make sure your change doesn’t just cause a ripple, but creates positive waves.

The Domino Effect of Change

Here’s the deal: change doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Sure, you might think you’re only tweaking one aspect of the business—a new software, a team restructuring, or maybe a shift in company policy. But the reality is, every little change has a ripple effect that touches a lot more than you think.

Let’s say you implement a new system for tracking customer data. Easy, right? But suddenly, your sales team is learning new processes, IT is scrambling to integrate it with other tools, and your customers are noticing delays. That’s the domino effect. If you don’t understand the broader impact, you’ll spend more time reacting to fallout than leading the change itself.

Why Change Feels Personal (Because It Is)

It’s tempting to think of change as an impersonal, business decision, but that’s far from the truth. For your team, change is personal. It affects their daily routines, their comfort levels, and even their sense of security in their roles. And here’s a little secret: *that’s exactly why understanding the impact of change matters so much.

Imagine telling your team that their work processes will be overhauled next week. Now, while you’re seeing efficiency gains and operational improvements, your team is feeling anxiety. They’re thinking: What does this mean for me? Will I be able to adapt? Is my job still secure?

Understanding the human side of change, the emotions, the fears, the resistance, is where you make or break your transformation. If you can address these concerns head-on, you’ll get buy-in. If you ignore them, you’ll get resistance, frustration, and, eventually, burnout.

How to Measure the Impact of Change

Alright, so we’ve established that change runs deep, but how do you actually measure its impact? Spoiler alert: it’s not just about performance metrics. Yes, KPIs are important, but to truly understand the impact of change, you need to look beyond the numbers.

  1. Look at Employee Morale. Change can be exciting or terrifying, it all depends on how it’s managed. One of the first signs of a change going sideways is a dip in employee morale. Are people still excited about their work, or has enthusiasm dropped off? Keep an eye on the vibe of the team, because emotional impact is just as important as operational impact.

  2. Monitor Productivity Levels. This one’s pretty straightforward. After a change is implemented, is your team able to keep up, or is there a dip in productivity as they adjust? There’s always a learning curve, but if productivity continues to drop, it could mean the impact of the change wasn’t fully considered.

  3. Get Feedback. Want to know the real impact? Ask. Create spaces for feedback (and not just the “everyone’s in the room, so let’s keep it positive” kind). Honest, anonymous feedback can give you insights into how the change is affecting people on the ground. What are the pain points? What’s working? What’s not?

  4. Assess Customer Experience. Your internal team isn’t the only one impacted by change, your customers are, too. Keep tabs on how changes ripple out to your client base. Are they noticing any differences in service? Are complaints on the rise? These are important markers of the broader impact of your initiatives.

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make

The biggest mistake you can make when driving change is assuming that the only impact is operational. Here’s a truth bomb: change touches everything. It affects your culture, your team dynamics, and how people feel about their work. If you only measure success by timelines and outcomes, you’re missing the point.

Change as a Collaborative Effort

So, how do you manage the impact of change without causing chaos? The answer is simple: involve your stakeholders from the start. Make them part of the process. Get feedback, adjust your plans, and be transparent about why the change is happening and how it benefits them. When people understand the “why,” When people understand the "why" behind the change, how it benefits them, the team, and the organisation as a whole, they’re much more likely to buy into the process. It’s no longer just something that’s happening to them; it’s something they’re a part of. The key is to make change a collaborative effort. Involve stakeholders from the very beginning, make them feel heard, and show them how their input shapes the process.

Also, be prepared to adjust as you go. Change doesn’t happen in a straight line. Sometimes you’ll need to adapt based on feedback or unexpected challenges. And that’s okay—what matters is that you’re responsive and transparent throughout the journey.

Final Thoughts: Embrace the Ripple Effect

Understanding the impact of change isn’t just about being prepared for disruption, it’s about leveraging that disruption to create something better. When you take the time to understand how change affects people, processes, and culture, you’re in a much stronger position to manage it effectively. Instead of pushing through resistance, you’ll be working with your team, side by side, making the change stick in a way that’s sustainable.

At Runie Consulting, we specialise in helping businesses navigate the complexities of change with their people, not against them. Ready to create change that resonates? Contact us today and let’s get started on making your next transformation a success, one ripple at a time.

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