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Stakeholders: Your Secret Weapon in Transformation

Kelly McKenzie

By Kelly McKenzie

When we talk about change, especially in business, everyone immediately starts thinking about new systems, shiny tools, and project timelines. But you know what often gets overlooked? The people. The actual humans who are going to live and breathe that change. And here’s a little secret: these stakeholders? They’re not just bystanders in your process; they’re your secret weapon. Let me explain why the folks impacted by change are your biggest asset, and how you can turn their energy, ideas, and yes, even their doubts, into fuel for your transformation.

Who Are These Stakeholders Anyway?

Quick recap for anyone not fluent in corporate-speak: stakeholders are anyone affected by the change you’re rolling out. And I do mean anyone employees, partners, customers, and vendors. In short, these are the people who are going to feel the ripple effect of your decisions. And while it’s tempting to think of them as the ones who might resist change, what if you flipped that narrative? What if they were the very people who could make this change not just tolerable, but a raging success?

Why Stakeholders Are Your MVPs

  1. They See What You Don’t. Let’s be real, you don’t have a bird’s-eye view of everything going on in your organisation. You’re not in the trenches every day, doing the work. But guess who is? The stakeholders. They’re on the frontlines. They know where the real pain points are and where the opportunities for improvement lie. Think of them as your very own on-the-ground intelligence team. You’d be missing out if you didn’t tap into their insights.

  2. When They’re Onboard, Everyone Else Follows. Here’s a truth bomb: pushing through change without stakeholder buy-in is like running through mud, you’ll eventually get there, but it’s going to be a slow, exhausting slog. But if your key stakeholders are on board? Well, that’s like hitting the gas on an open road. They become your biggest advocates, getting others excited about the change, and helping the transition move smoothly. You don’t have to drag anyone kicking and screaming if the team leaders and influencers are championing the cause.

  3. They Sniff Out Trouble Before It’s Trouble. Think of stakeholders as your early warning system. If something’s not going to work, they’ll be the first to know. Whether it’s a system glitch that could derail the whole plan, or resistance bubbling up from the team, your stakeholders will flag it before you’re neck-deep in problems. And that means you can solve things before they become full-blown disasters.

  4. They’re Innovation Machines. Sure, you could roll out change in a vacuum and hope for the best, but that’s kind of like throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. When you involve stakeholders, you’re crowd-sourcing innovation. They’ll come up with ideas you might never have considered—because they’re the ones in the thick of it every day. Want better solutions? Get the people doing the work to help design the change. Trust me, it works.

How to Turn Stakeholders into Change Champions

Okay, now that you’re convinced stakeholders are your secret weapon, how do you turn them from passive bystanders into active, enthusiastic participants?

First off, talk to them early. Seriously, don’t wait until everything’s been decided to get them involved. By that point, they’re going to feel like change is being done to them, rather than with them. Get their input upfront. It’s amazing how much smoother things go when people feel heard.

Next, make them part of the solution. Don’t just present them with problems, ask them for ideas. How can the change be implemented in a way that makes their lives easier? What roadblocks do they see, and how would they work around them? When people feel like they’re co-creating the change, they’re way more likely to support it.

Also, over-communicate. I know, I know, nobody loves endless updates. But here’s the thing: people freak out when they don’t know what’s happening. If your stakeholders are left in the dark, they’re going to fill in the gaps with worst-case scenarios. Keep them informed, and better yet, keep them involved.

And finally, give them ownership. Let them lead. Empower your stakeholders to own parts of the change. When they’re accountable for outcomes, they’ll go the extra mile to make sure it works, and that everyone else is on board too.

Turning Stakeholders Into Allies

The best part about engaging stakeholders is that they don’t just become okay with the change, they become allies in it. They’re the ones who will spread the word, get others on board, and make sure the change sticks. Because when people feel like they’ve had a hand in shaping the future, they’re not just employees, they’re partners in progress.

At Runie Consulting, we’re pros at helping you turn stakeholders into your greatest asset. Whether you’re dealing with a system overhaul or a major organisational shift, we know how to get the right people involved at the right time, so your change doesn’t just happen, it succeeds.

Ready to engage your stakeholders and turn them into champions of change? Get in touch with us at Runie Consulting and let’s make it happen.

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